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8 Fresh Facts About Elearning You Need To Know

8 Fresh Facts About Elearning You Need To Know
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Over the last decade, we have seen a massive shift in trends in the terms of technology and how it has influenced each sphere of our lives. Learning paradigms have shifted from paper to the digital world. Mobile tablets are the new playgrounds and kindle is the new library.

Considering this technological revolution, eLearning is not a far-fetched idea anymore and the current figures suggest that we are going to see a significant boom in the eLearning industry in the near, NO, very near future.

Here are some of the most interesting statistical facts from the sphere of e-learning in the global market.  Many of these facts will, for sure, surprise people. So here you go:

Massive Global Market

It is expected that in 2017, the world market of eLearning will reach a total of $ 107 billion. Total sales in the segment of asynchronous learning (self-paced learning) in 2011 reached $ 32 100 million, and during the last five years the average annual growth rate in this area It was approximately 9.2%. This means $49 900 million estimated sales income of self-paced learning for eLearning world market in 2017.

For reference: self-paced learning – the type of e-learning, in which students themselves choose a convenient time and pace of the educational process regardless of the teacher.

The global market Learning Management System (LMS) in 2013 amounted to $ 2 550 million, and the compound annual growth rate reached about 25.2%. In other words, it is expected that the total volume of the global LMS market is about $ 4 billion in 2016 and more than $ 7 billion – in 2018.

It also assumes that the largest share of income of this amount will be the amount of LMS in North American market.

PureLogics has worked on dozens of eLearning projects for startups. Interested? Drop a message here for a free call.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in Corporate Training

Currently, 8% of all companies in the world are successfully using massive open online course – MOOCs. Another 7% of enterprises are considering the introduction of an experimental MOOCs. According to experts, in the next couple of years, these figures will rise to 28%.

Rising Market of Mobile Learning

The global market of educational services provided through mobile devices reached $ 5.3 billion in 2012. Experts have calculated that the average annual growth rate of the market should reach to 18.2% before 2017.

The global volume of Mobile-Learning in 2016 reached $ 8.7 billion, the researchers predict the market in 2017 will be $ 12.2 billion. It is noteworthy that in 2012 top the list of countries by number of users of gadgets and mobile learning wsa led by United States Japan, South Korea, China and India. By 2017, China, US, Indonesia, Brazil and India will be the leaders according to this rating, experts say.

Corporate eLearning

It is expected that the volume of cooperative online learning market will grow significantly in 2017. Experts predict that it will increase annually by 13% during this period.

Despite the fact that the use of eLearning different scales, the main buyers of goods and eLearning services are large companies.

Corporate Training Methods

Experts predict the most intense growth in popularity among other corporate training methods education through social networks. Indeed, people are now familiar with fun, work, quarrel, reconciliation, feuding through social networks, etc. So why not use these flexible platform for corporate training?

Global demand for software and services in the field of corporate education

These figures are eloquent: the corporate e-learning market now has a huge potential for profit. Now, more than ever, companies and students themselves are turning to eLearning to achieve their personal and professional goals. And 2017 promises that in this market there will be more students than in previous years.

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