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August 3 2016
A Futuristic View Of Augmented Reality

A Futuristic View Of Augmented Reality

Reading Time: 3 minutes A couple of years ago one of my friends discussed her idea of using augmented reality in education but it was a novelty for many people at that time and I was skeptic if her idea could ever be materialized, however, I wished her luck for the wishful thinking (at least it looked like wishful

July 22 2016
Enterprise Mobility for eLearning: Educational Trends - Part 2

Enterprise Mobility for eLearning: Educational Trends – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes Continued. Following the previous post “Enterprise Mobility For eLearning: How It Can Revolutionize Educational Trends – Part 1”, we know mobility has a lot of potential to improve the learning and teaching practices all over the world. But we are not finished yet as there is much more to mobility than meets the eye. Let’s