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What is Surescripts? Everything You Need to Know About It

What is Surescripts? Everything You Need to Know About It
Reading Time: 4 minutes

We live in a world where everything is online, and data has become a precious asset. As technology evolves, data and communication have become the backbone of our modern digital world. However, there are a few industries that have been consistently facing online communication issues. And unfortunately, healthcare is one of those susceptible industries. Patient information is crucial, but the industry’s communication sources make it highly sensitive.

Imagine that a patient needs immediate medical attention but can’t contact a physician to provide their medical history or prescription information. Many of your contacts would have, unfortunately, experienced this.

Well, we have good news for you. Surescripts is a solution that ensures a safe and secure exchange of patient information. Leading healthcare firms have already started reaping the extraordinary benefits of surescripts.

Now, it’s your turn.

If you don’t know about surescripts, keep reading this comprehensive guide. Here, you will learn what surescripts is, how it works, its certification process, its features and benefits, and everything you need to know about surescripts.

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What is Surescripts?

Surescripts is a health information network in the U.S. that enables the electronic transmission of prescriptions and healthcare-related information between healthcare organizations, pharmacies, and payers. Surescripts was founded in 2021. It aims to bring quality, safety, and efficiency to the healthcare system by promoting the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and other digital tools.

How Does Surescripts Work?

Surecript works as an intermediary in the healthcare system and promotes efficient communication between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and payers by exchanging electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic prescriptions (e-prescriptions).

When any patient visits a hospital or clinic, the relevant information, like medical history, diagnosis, and prescriptions, is documented electronically through EHRs. Surescript then acts as the messenger and securely transmits this data to the pharmacists.

This mechanism of surescripts eradicates common issues like illegible handwritten prescriptions, lost medical records, and frustrating patient delays. This is how surescripts streamlines the process of transmitting healthcare data and brings safety and efficiency to the healthcare delivery system.

What is Surescripts Certification?

In healthcare technology, Surescripts Certification is the golden stamp of approval. It is a process that validates that healthcare technology vendors meet the necessary standards of surescripts for the safe and secure exchange of electronic health information.

So, if you run a healthcare business, become surescripts certified. Your commitment to the highest data security and privacy standards will serve as a foundation of trust among patients. 

Top Features and Benefits of Surescripts


Following are some of the most compelling features and benefits of surescripts:

Streamlined e-prescription: Surescripts makes the prescription process easy. It reduces the chances of errors and speeds up the dispensing of medications.

High-quality patient safety: With instant access to accurate patient information, healthcare providers will make well-executed and well-educated decisions. It will decrease the chances of medication errors and improve patient safety.

Interoperability: Surescripts promotes interoperability as it allows different healthcare systems to communicate seamlessly and efficiently. It makes sure that patient information is available where and when it’s needed.

Less administrative tasks: With surescripts, say goodbye to the paperwork pile-up. Surescript automates a lot of administrative tasks and allows healthcare professionals to focus on what truly matters: patient care.

Budget-friendly: Surescripts eliminates redundant tests and improves the efficiency of healthcare delivery. It helps healthcare businesses save costs in the long run, which benefits both providers and patients.

Impact of Surescripts

Surescripts has already revolutionized the healthcare industry a lot. Well, let’s consider these impressive facts and figures; you will be amazed to know for sure.

Error reduction: Surescripts minimizes medication errors by up to 62%. It protects patients from potentially life-threatening medical mistakes.

Time savings: Thanks to the e-prescription and information retrieval process, Suresctipts helps healthcare service providers save an average of over an hour a day. 

Protects patient privacy: Surescripts protects patient privacy by ensuring the secure exchange of electronic health information between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and payers.

Cost efficiency: According to international reports, surescripts saves the healthcare system billions of dollars as it helps patients get rid of unnecessary tests, errors, and administrative costs.

Patient satisfaction: Faster access to medication and accurate information improves patient satisfaction and trust in healthcare services.

The Future of Surescripts

So, what is the future of surescripts? Look at some promising developments on the horizon:

Enhanced Interoperability: Surescripts is expected to have even greater interoperability with various EHR systems. It makes sure that your patient information accurately and efficiently moves among stakeholders.

Telemedicine Integration: Surescripts is also expected to play a leading role in the telemedicine field. It ensures that remote healthcare providers can access patients’ medical histories and prescriptions.

Precision Medicine: When it comes to precision medicine, surescripts supports this growing healthcare field. Surescripts provides a wealth of patient data for research and personalized patient treatment options.

Patient Empowerment: With surescripts, patients will have more control over their health information in the future. They will have a complete knowledge of where and for what purposes their data will be used.

How do I Connect to Surescripts?

Finding surescripts integration a too complicated process? Yes, it can feel like a big puzzle with all its certification rules, interoperability issues, and constant updates. But don’t worry, you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

The leading custom software companies in the U.S., like PureLogics, can help you with this entire process. They have been working in the healthcare industry for more than 18 years and know what exactly the process of Surescripts Certification is.

Today’s patients are exceptionally tech-friendly and choose the only healthcare firm where patient safety, accuracy, and efficiency are never compromised at all. So, as a healthcare business, ensure that you’re at the forefront of this surescripts revolution. 

Feel free to get in touch with us. We together will build a safer, more efficient, and more patient-centric healthcare future.

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