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Mobile App: The Heart Of The Insanely Fast Moving Online Retail

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the continued uptrend in online retail and the increasing use of smartphones among consumers, retailers all over the globe are forced to reconsider their strategy and explore in more detail the deviating interest, the preferred way of online shoppers – that’s via mobile apps.

It’s very convenient for consumers to reach for their mobile phone and place an order on the move, all with the click of a few buttons – compared to logging into an account and accessing the web from a desktop. As a result, there has been phenomenal growth in users who appreciate the benefits of cellular devices and shopping apps. For instance, the number of mobile shoppers in the United States alone has increased to more than 60% in the past five to seven years, as per the data analyzed by, and a vast majority of them prefer eCommerce apps to make purchases.

The number of smartphone users is also proliferating around the globe. According to another report by, smartphone ownership is growing so rapidly that almost 3.8 billion people will own a smartphone by 2020; that’s every third person on the planet. This growing smartphone usage also goes to show the mobile app is becoming the make or break of your online retail business, sooner or later.

What are the key benefits of having a mobile app for my retail business?

The advantages of mobile apps for customers are evident – it’s much more convenient and faster for them to go shopping. But what are exactly the benefits for an online retailer itself to use a mobile application?

Here we briefly mention the major perks mobile apps will bring to online stores and retailers.

  • An eCommerce app can help you conquer the digital frontier simply because today’s internet-savvy and smartphone-savvy shoppers prefer apps over mobile browsers to access an online shop. They don’t have to enter the URL or remember the login details to access the store. Plus, their settings are also stored in the app which encourages swift buying decisions.
  • Mobile eCommerce apps are excellent for increasing visibility, winning repeat customers, and boosting loyalty. But how? Mobile users download your app intentionally and can save them to their home screens. When you have your store’s icon present on their phones, it will serve as a reminder – and your brand or business will pop into their heads the next time they think about making a purchase.
  • Mobile applications, or eCommerce apps to be more precise, retrieve data much faster and provide an enhanced user experience that can lead to increased conversion rates for your business.

What makes a successful mobile eCommerce app?

Now that you know the key benefits the mobile app has to offer for your online store, it’s time to think about what makes a mobile eCommerce application stand out from the crowd and attract more users’ attention before you start developing that masterpiece. Below, we share a checklist of some of the most outstanding features that every effective eCommerce app should have:

  • The simple and effortless login process
  • Supports multiple payment methods
  • Easy checkout and payment process
  • Filters and search options
  • Breadcrumbs and wish list button
  • Push notifications and rewarding user experience
  • Store locator functionality
  • Analytics, feedback, and rating system

If you’re looking to realize the promise of the mobile app world with all the listed benefits and features, PureLogics can provide you with great Mobile application development services. Schedule a free 30 minutes call with one of our experts today to discuss your amazing app development idea.

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