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Stay informed about the latest advancements in healthcare. From medical breakthroughs to wellness advice, explore a world of better living.

September 12 2023
Why Your Healthcare Business Needs HL7 Integration - PureLogics LLC

Why Your Healthcare Business Needs HL7 Integration

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you’re in the Healthcare industry, you’ve surely come across the term ‘HL7 integration.’ You know that healthcare is one of those industries in the world that evolves on a daily basis. Therefore, different standards came into being for the safe and secure exchange of patient data between healthcare providers. HL7 (or Health Level 7)

August 31 2023
How Healthcare App Development Can Empower The Healthcare Industry - PureLogics LLC

How Healthcare App Development Empowers The Healthcare Industry

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you know that 3 out of 5 people have a healthcare app on their mobile phones and they use it on a regular basis? Healthcare applications don’t only monitor diseases but also offer a large number of benefits in our daily lives. Many of you already know that there are thousands of healthcare mobile

August 18 2023
Future of Healthcare – Medical Coding with AI - PureLogics LLC

Future of Healthcare – Medical Coding with AI

Reading Time: 4 minutes You will find it shocking that the US healthcare system1 loses an estimated $125 billion annually as a result of medical billing errors. It is a reason medical coding with AI has started gaining popularity in the global healthcare industry. AI technologies not only automate and streamline the medical coding process but also enhance efficiency,

August 11 2023
Top 10 Best Vector Databases for AI - PureLogics LLC

What is a Vector Database? Top 10 Best Vector Databases for AI

Reading Time: 5 minutes These shocking numbers will surprise you for sure! The volume of digital data will reach a staggering 175 zettabytes by the mid of 2025. The data in our digital universe is expanding at an unprecedented rate. How will industries manage their massive data? Do they have the required technology to use this massive volume of

August 8 2023
eature Engineering for Machine Learning - PureLogics LLC

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Software Development

Reading Time: 4 minutes Many people don’t give due attention to feature engineering, but those who know the worth of feature engineering for machine learning give it special attention. It is because they know feature engineering (if executed properly) will increase manifold the efficiency of machine learning models and generate accurate results. Feature engineering is a process that can

August 2 2023
Top-10-ML-Algorithms-You-Must-Know-in-2023 - PureLogics LLC

Top 10 ML Algorithms You Must Know in 2023

Reading Time: 4 minutes AI and ML are changing everything in the world. From digital assistants that help you get things done on your behalf to healthcare innovations striking a blow against deadly cancer to education that makes learning fun again, AI is practically changing almost every aspect of our life. Have you ever thought about how AI and

August 1 2023
Things to Expect from AI in the Next 10 Years - PureLogics LLC

Where will AI be in Next 10 Years?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Where will AI be in next 10 years? This single question has sparked a wave of curiosity and concern, leaving even Google in awe. Some are worried about their future, and some who are tech-friendly are curious as well as excited to hear AI updates so that they can prepare themselves in advance and stay

July 26 2023

The AI Effect: How AI will Transform the Industries Worldwide

Reading Time: 4 minutes It is better for your business to accept on time that “AI is the present and AI will be the future.” Otherwise, you will be among those companies who were forced to close their businesses during COVID-19. AI effect is just like the ripple effect. It will completely change the world. No industry will survive

July 20 2023
How AI is revolutionizing healthcare

Future of Healthcare: How AI is Revolutionizing Healthcare Industry

Reading Time: 4 minutes Artificial intelligence is a rapidly evolving technology that is set to change the way we live. As an industry, healthcare is not an exception to this change. From detection to treatment and beyond, AI has changed healthcare in ways that are amazing and hard to imagine. A report in the magazine Nature Medicine says that

July 19 2023
Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning - PureLogics LLC

Let’s Discuss: Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Reading Time: 5 minutes Did you know that by the start of 2023, more than 85% of companies were already using artificial intelligence (AI) in some form and getting higher ROIs you can’t imagine even now? This is a shocking number! Right? Have you ever thought about the differences between two popular branches of AI – machine learning (ML)