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July 13 2020

Announcement: Purelogics Achieves CMMI Level 2 For Development

Reading Time: 2 minutes [Great News] PureLogics, a global technology services and solutions provider is proud to announce that it has been appraised at level 2 of CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) for development. The appraisal was performed by Process Quality Engineering S.L. CMMI is a capability improvement framework that provides organizations with the essential elements of

February 7 2020
custom software vs off the shelf

Custom Software Vs Off The Shelf: Pros and Cons

Reading Time: 3 minutes DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CUSTOM Software Vs OFF THE SHELF SOFTWARE The simple difference between custom-built, sometimes called bespoke software solutions, and off-the-shelf software is that the former is made specifically for your needs and your business, whereas the latter is designed around general practices targeting a lot of different businesses and what they need but not

December 10 2019

2020’s Top 3 Digital Technology Trends Your Business Can’t Miss

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re just about 20 years into the 21st century, and the technological advancements and innovations have been astonishing, charging ahead faster than ever. Business organizations and individuals who do not stay as up-to-date with top tech patterns as possible there is a greater chance that they might leave themselves completely in the dust. Similarly, those

November 28 2019

Ai In The Business World: 3 Big Myths, Debunked

Reading Time: 2 minutes People are afraid of the unknown. It is natural to be concerned about outcomes that are not only confusing but could result in a significant shift in your business. Enter artificial intelligence. Every business owner has to explore what progress in AI technology looks like for their workforce and the business itself. What is critical

August 10 2018

Is you Business GDPR Compliant ?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)has been enforced since May 25, 2018, and you might need to update your data handling procedures.  While its name might scare some, it’s actually a positive step taken by EU towards the data protection of its individuals. GDPR is mainly constituted of two things, Giving more control of personal data to the citizens

August 8 2018

10 Must-Haves Of Every Alexa Skill

Reading Time: 5 minutes The best kind of technology is one that you don’t realize you are using With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the difference between humans and machines is disappearing swiftly. People are living in smart homes and using voice to interact with technology to play games, turn on the lights, get the latest

August 6 2018

The Future Of Blockchain

Reading Time: 3 minutes “You Should Be Taking This Technology As Seriously As You Should Have Been Taking The Development Of The Internet In The Early 1990’s.” Although there continues to be some skepticism surrounding the future of cryptocurrency trading, blockchain technology promises to drive innovation and change the game in years to come. Blockchain, the new emerging technology,

June 14 2018
Top 6 Qualities Of A Good Software Developer

Top 6 Qualities Of A Good Software Developer

Reading Time: 2 minutes Have you ever tried to evaluate yourself and wondered that what could be those desirable qualities that can differentiate between a good and a poor Software developer? If so, then you must have evaluated yourself at different standards at various times. Your reason behind reading this blog post can also be the result of that

June 12 2018
5 Quick Advantages Of Chatbots

5 Quick Advantages Of Chatbots

Reading Time: 2 minutes Chatbots are a lot of the talks these days, as they are playing an integral role in creating a comprehensive relationship between the companies and their customers. They are helping the businesses become more productive and more profitable. A Chatbot is an automated software or AI that aids in message transfer via auditory or textual

June 1 2018
6 Advantages Of Using Mean Stack While Developing Apps

6 Advantages Of Using Mean Stack While Developing Apps

Reading Time: 2 minutes A lot of technologies have been created so far. The purpose behind creating these technologies is to offer services, for growing the demand of web and mobile applications around the world. Among these various technologies, we have MEAN, which is a free and an open source JavaScript software stack technology. It is known for the