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Remote Developers

May 14 2024
Test-driven Development

From Idea to Implementation: Test-driven Development with React

Reading Time: 8 minutes Writing test cases under TDD with React projects is often easy, particularly given Jest and Enzyme as testing tools. However, there are some specific factors that one needs to bear in mind. Here at PureLogics, our JavaScript expert developers go through the React TDD process and demonstrate it step by step, from the epics and

March 26 2024
Remote Developer

Remote Developers: Redefining the Tech Industry Landscape

Reading Time: 5 minutes The traditional software development approach, where all employees work from the same office, is one of many options available now. Remote development teams have become a preferable alternative for businesses with the rapid advancement in communication technology. You will get expert remote developers who can work together to develop projects without being in a single

February 19 2024
Outsourcing Website Development

Outsourcing Website Development Projects – 10 Reasons Why

Reading Time: 6 minutes It’s not a question of whether you shouldn’t build an online front for your business in today’s marketplace. That’s because it has become a necessity. Website is vital for all industries because it attracts, educates, and engages consumers to promote your enterprise and drive more sales. Around 75% of customers use a brand’s website to

February 12 2024
Remote Developers

Efficiency and Flexibility: Why Remote Developers Are the Way Forward

Reading Time: 7 minutes Hiring remote developers to build software solutions is a trend that’s transforming how organizations hire. The trend will continue to rise because businesses can hire remote development teams to gain more efficiency and flexibility. Recent research has revealed that around 61.3% of enterprises find working in different time zones easier. Meanwhile, about 37.1% said it’s