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Software Developers

Unlock your potential as a software developer! Discover trending technologies, coding best practices, and career growth strategies.

February 14 2020

Is Moving To Microservice Architecture Really Worth It?

Reading Time: 2 minutes The concept of microservices has been around for quite a few years, but they are entering the mainstream now, with companies like Amazon, eBay, Netflix, LinkedIn, Uber, and PayPal, among a few of the leading names who have already moved to microservices. Following the footsteps of these web giants are organizations of every size that

February 7 2020
custom software vs off the shelf

Custom Software Vs Off The Shelf: Pros and Cons

Reading Time: 3 minutes DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CUSTOM Software Vs OFF THE SHELF SOFTWARE The simple difference between custom-built, sometimes called bespoke software solutions, and off-the-shelf software is that the former is made specifically for your needs and your business, whereas the latter is designed around general practices targeting a lot of different businesses and what they need but not

November 13 2018

Web Development Trends To Get Your Website Ready For 2019

Reading Time: 8 minutes 2018 is about to meet its end and this year, many advancements were made in the web development industry. Trends have been shifting drastically and change has become the only constant in website development. There is an ongoing rise and fall of technologies so in order to be on the winning side of the game,

October 1 2018

Best Programming Languages To Work In Machine Learning

Reading Time: 4 minutes These days, all the data science forums, Quora, Stack Overflow, and other Q&A sites are buzzing with one question: “Which programming language should I pick for my machine learning or deep learning project?” While there are many articles written to answer these questions, this post explains the pros and cons of different programming languages to

June 14 2018
Top 6 Qualities Of A Good Software Developer

Top 6 Qualities Of A Good Software Developer

Reading Time: 2 minutes Have you ever tried to evaluate yourself and wondered that what could be those desirable qualities that can differentiate between a good and a poor Software developer? If so, then you must have evaluated yourself at different standards at various times. Your reason behind reading this blog post can also be the result of that

July 22 2017
Custom Software Development – How Can It Help Your Business?

Custom Software Development – How Can It Help Your Business?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Businesses in today’s world are running a race against plethora of competition. To gain an edge over the competitors, the technological process entail knowing the best software solution for your company. Survival in the digital age necessitates comprehension of business process that run in your company and the best way to map them in your

March 22 2017
All You Need To Know About Agile

All You Need To Know About Agile

Reading Time: 8 minutes What is Agile? As per dictionary, Agile means “living, responsive” but we translate it more often as “flexible.” In the software development industry, this term appeared in the early 2000s, when the “Manifesto of Flexible Software Development” was published in Utah. Since then, “agile” is understood as a set of approaches for “flexible” software development.

September 9 2016

How To Outsource Software Development For Startups

Reading Time: 2 minutes Technology today has made it a lot easier for startups to get off the ground as we can see an app for everything (literally) these says. The business processes are now more efficient and which naturally translates into better productivity. So I wouldn’t be wrong if I say that in today’s world, all you need

August 12 2016
7 Tips for Estimating Software Development Project Costs

7 Tips for Estimating Software Development Project Costs

Reading Time: 3 minutes As the product owner, you certainly want to get the best ROI for your project. The more project costs will be precise, transparent and reliable, the easier it will be to manage the project budget. Why the estimated cost of a project is important? An estimate of the project cost can help you build a