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Stay informed about the latest advancements in healthcare. From medical breakthroughs to wellness advice, explore a world of better living.

July 19 2023
Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning - PureLogics LLC

Let’s Discuss: Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Reading Time: 5 minutes Did you know that by the start of 2023, more than 85% of companies were already using artificial intelligence (AI) in some form and getting higher ROIs you can’t imagine even now? This is a shocking number! Right? Have you ever thought about the differences between two popular branches of AI – machine learning (ML)

March 16 2023
Featured image shows what the blog 5 trends in Healthcare technology is about.

The Future of Healthcare: 5 Trends in Healthcare Technology

Reading Time: 10 minutes Question: How is healthcare’s future? Answer: Bright, very bright! And we can say this with even more conviction because healthcare technology is no more a futuristic thing that we can’t dare to dream of.  Imperatively, it has been happening for a long time in the melting pot. Now, it has transformed into a solidified shape