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Enterprise Software

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July 20 2016
Enterprise Mobility for eLearning: Educational Trends - Part 1

Enterprise Mobility for eLearning: Educational Trends – Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes Gone are the days when learning was limited to classrooms and people had to be confined to a specific geographical location for their academic achievements. Today, technology has lifted a lot of constraints that were deemed inevitable for effective learning in past. However, I’m not going to harp on the same old string of “How

June 7 2016
How Enterprise Mobility Is Going To Change The Business Game

How Enterprise Mobility Is Going To Change The Business Game

Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the last few years we have seen rapidly evolving technology and a natural consequence of this technological growth is the drastic change in the ways organizations and people work. Now the productive hours in a day are worth more than actual physical presence. Organizations are hunting talent from all around the world and empowering